Updated Hours & Policy Adjustments

I think it is safe to agree that 2020 has been one hell of a year for us all.
Here at the Guitar Rescue, we've battled through a pandemic (still raging on), temporary shutdown at our old location, a re-location to a bigger (and better) place, a new roof in said new location, and an increase in business the likes of which I did not think was possible.
Aside from the business growth, my son (Joshua) was born on April 1st, 2020, making me a proud father for the first time in my life. Life is more hectic and time consuming than ever before for not only me but my family, friends, customers, and world around.
Given the current state of time being critical and fleeting, I have had to re-evaluate the amount of time spent away from my family as well as from other obligations that I must also focus on (like being a mentally and physically healthy human being), so the shop hours have been adjusted to the following:
The new hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. We will remain closed in perpetuity on the weekends due to the lack of personnel and the ability to govern shop hours while trying to live a normal family life. All visits (and I mean ALL VISITS) will continue to require an appointment scheduled at least 24-hours in advance via phone call, text, Facebook booking, or in-person scheduling upon drop-off. There is no exception to this rule - period. If you show up without an appointment for a drop-off, a surcharge of $5 minimum will be imposed (the amount of bench time spent away from doing work that must be completed ahead of an unannounced visit). To avoid the surcharge, schedule an appointment.
Trust me, I don't want to make things difficult, but this is the current state of the business. With everyone's cooperation we'll keep things moving along smoothly and the services I render to your instruments will not be interrupted.
I'm going to suspend the mobile pickup/drop-off options for the rest of the year given the fact that the "Rescue Mobile" needs a little repair work to make extended travels.
Lastly, Christmas and New Year's Day will be falling on Fridays this year. In preparation for those dates, please be aware that the shop will be closed for the following dates & times:
Wednesday, December 23, 2020: closing at 1pm
Thursday, December 24th, 2020: closed all day
Friday, December 25th, 2020: closed all day
Thursday, December 31st, 2020: closing at 1pm
Friday, January 1st, 2021: closed all day
Thanks for all of the understanding, and we'll see you here at the shop (with your scheduled appointments of course)!