The Guitar Rescue Set to Merge with Mill Run Music
Getting back to the original business model but with a new twist!

As many of my longstanding customers might remember, the first shop incarnation in 2012 featured a small, eclectic showroom of used guitars for sale via consignment. This rotating stock of instruments quickly took a backseat to the repair side of things, and being a one-man operation I was uninterested in spreading myself too thin. As we moved out of Bordentown and into Hamilton, the idea of having a showroom disappeared along with the new space, so all merchandise sales were halted and inquiries about them were passed onto 3rd party sources.
Now, after a 3 year business relationship with one of our high-volume clients, we are officially merging with Mill Run Music to run under one name (the Guitar Rescue) and re-introduce the sales of musical items - but with a twist!
Now customers will not only be able to continue booking the shop's current services for repairs on their instruments, but soon the option to "buy/trade/sell" will be added to the menu. The entire sales team will consist of the owner and staff the previously operated under Mill Run Music (Theo as sales manager & Gio as sales specialist), but all of the functions will be under one name and under one roof. The repair team will consist of the staff currently in-place (Mike as certified luthier & Shana as operations specialist).
We're focusing on bringing a level of service to the music community that reaches beyond the typical offerings of local music stores and sheds the need for a sprawling show-room of dusty guitars. All the instruments for sale will be listed online on various platforms (Reverb, Facebook Marketplace, etc) and will be able to be shipped, picked-up in-person, or delivered locally. We will also offer trade-ins and purchases of gear that you no longer have need for (also via appointments).
One of the best aspects of this merger is that every instrument will be thoroughly tested, cleaned, and prepared for sale utilizing the services that our customers receive on their own instruments, and in-house upgrades will be available for anything purchased from our inventory.
This merger will take effect starting January 2023.
More details and news will follow this announcement, so (as always) stay tuned in & tuned up!